Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Toi, Moi, Nous!

I have discovered that if there is any place the rain is more acceptable to your environment than Seattle, it is Paris. Creating an environment of warmth that contradicts the air so crisp, your breath says "Bonjour!" in a visible puff with every word. Amidst a sea of designer umbrellas and children far too fashionable for their own good, I have found myself in love with a new city. Drenched in passion and a little bit of Kronenbourg, we have meandered the streets of this fair city, finding ourselves lost and mingling with local students and artists; listening to music the words of which we do not know. Every day seems a dream come true. The chore will be maintaining these romantic emotions upon our return home.

I sit here, wreaking of A & D ointment from a freshly inked tattoo, an admittance of love for my new wife, my new life. I could not find more happiness with a magnifying glass. The more we wander the cobblestone sidewalks, the more we get lost, the more we find in each other; and above all this is true: I am here with my best friend. My lover. True to myself this time would not be complete without a good soundtrack to the little life we've established here. So to stay consistent with my entries, and to inform the seven of you who actually read chipspicks, here is the music I am obsessed with as of late. I am going to keep this rather brief in a "microblog" fashion a la twitter. After all, I have a better half to pay attention to, but go buy these now:

Halloween Alaska: Champagne Downtown (www.myspace.com/halloweenalaska)
Ambient rock at its finest, this Minnesota group has made a new art out of creating gratuitous rhymes like "the end is near/so you steal a cue-card from the token queer ". Subtly poppy in it's melodies, this album is truly a fantastic soundtrack for walking in the rain, preferably in Paris, but your backyard will do just fine. Key tracks: Hot Pink, In Order, Champagne Downtown

Stars of Track and Field: Centuries Before Love and War (http://www.myspace.com/starsoftrackandfield)
This is an older album that I have been paying more attention to lately. SOTAF are big on their delivery and aside from their name making them sound like the jocks you spent your life hating but secretly admiring in high school, this group is superb at paying off their build-ups. Every chorus releases the tension like a lucky kid on prom night (did I just go too far?). This is an album to listen to in its entirety every time, and always sounds good while sipping coffee. It's again more on the ambient side, but apparently that's what I beckon for at the moment.

My appreciation goes out to you for checking up on us. Despite the expressed concerns of some of my colleagues, there is more to blog about while on your honeymoon than just bedroom shenanigans. But not much more. Now I know I've gone to far. C'est la vie! Life's too short to beat around the bush (what a killer pun). I have to go now. The school across the street is getting out and I have to go watch the children to pick up some new fashion tips. Here's a tip ladies: high boots and scarves are in like Flynn this season. Guys: don't even bother.

That is all! Gotta go dance on Jim Morrison's grave like the ugly American he wanted me to be!

Au revoir!