Tuesday, May 12, 2009

They Don't Know, But I Do!

Dredg, I Don't Know (single)
When I played this new single from the upcoming Dredg album for my dog Winston, he had the right reaction: rolled over, eyes up to the ceiling, and play dead. The song hits you with the intensity of a grizzly bear, and the only good reaction to it is to feign death and take what's coming to you.
This song grabs you with its catchy hooks, massive melodies and insightful lyrics. At the climax singer Gavin Hayes recites "I don't know if I'll go somewhere special when I die/so I'll just go on living my way," in an epic ode to the unknown, and you can't help but appreciate the Zenfully influenced ponderings that thread the song.
The new album, The Pariah, the Parrot, the Delusion, is set for a June 9 release. Let me publicly state that i am NOT down with the few leaks of the album I've seen online. This band is hard working and deserve a good release. So quit stealing their music and go pick up the single "I Don't Know" on iTunes for .99 cents ya cheap bastards! It's worth a buck. And If you haven't picked up any of Dredg's previous material yet, each album is amazing in its own right: Leitmotif, El Cielo and Catch Without Arms.

Key Track: "I Don't Know" streaming on http://myspace.com/dredg and available at iTunes now!

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