Sunday, June 14, 2009

Excuse me? Your Passion Pit Is Showing...

Passion Pit, Manners
I don't know what a "Passion Pit" is, but I-eee Like it!  There is something infectious about this East Coast outfit.  Maybe it's their singalong choruses, or their melodies that etch into your brain like its granite, or maybe its the elementary school choir they use as an unofficial sixth member of the band!  Whatever it is, the first time I heard Passion Pit my reaction was purely primal.  All I could do was dance and beat my fist in the air in rejoice, for I had fallen in love with music all over again!   
The track "Little Secrets" opens with such an all-out danceable melody that you'd have to be dead to not move your hips to it.  Match that introduction with a vocal melody that acts like crystal meth (one time and you're hooked!) and you have a purely enjoyable, fun-listening song.  "Moth's Wings" brings in a display of the band's instrumentation skills.  Piano driven and a large chorus, the song is worthy of a stadium of singing fans.  "Sleepyhead" delivers more of the electro-infectiousness that will make this band big (if they're not careful Kanye West will try to steal this beat from them).  Lead singer Michael Angelakos delivers more of his soon-to-be-signature falsetto fringe, alongside more sensational synth melodies.
My itunes download of this album only set me back about ten bucks, and I honestly feel like I stole from the band.  In the coming year I think we are going to hear a lot more about Passion Pit.  I can see them uniting us all in dance at their shows as the audience progressively gets larger and larger.  So let your Passion Pit hang out...or be free...or whatever a Passion Pit does, because it's good.  Real good. 
To get in to the album: listen to "Little Secrets" in a car full of crowded people on your way home from the club, your arms hanging loose out the window like spaghetti, and let the music take you over.

Key Tracks: "Little Secrets", "Moth's Wings", "Sleepyhead", "The Reeling", ....Oh hell just pony up and buy the album!

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